Week 5 ..

We are all still staying safe at home for now and enjoying this simple and slow way of living. Our much missed and much loved shop is always in our mind but for now, home is the place to be.


Our tiny shop is filled with only things that we love,
one of our very favourite things being these stunning seeds packets from Grace Alexander flowers.


Dr Grace Alexander is a clinical psychologist, someone who has studied people and how their minds/brains work, how they are in themselves and how they are with other people. She spent ten years (all of her career as a psychologist) working with children and families in care proceedings.
But then ..


“ A few years ago, I knew I needed to ground myself. I wanted to stand on the earth, and soil and grass between my toes. I wanted real, touchable, physical beauty. So I got dogs. So I grew flowers. Sow the seed that became Grace Alexander Flowers.”


Her seed packets are possibly the most exquisite that you ever did see, the Khadi envelopes that she uses for the packaging are not only very beautiful but they support responsible agriculture and business in India. The cotton rag Khadi that is used comes from T-shirt cuttings, a reliable and sustainable source of pure woven cotton.


I have never really sown seeds very much myself, but with this simple life and much more time, I have .. and with high hopes and fingers crossed, every morning I dash out to check their progress.


We still have some seed packets available on our website , ready to be sown around about now if you would like some yourself, or, to send to someone as a gift in this weirdo time. Click here to buy .

Have a lovely weekend xx

Week 4 ..

For me, the most important thing about a garden and its design is not how it looks … but how it makes you feel…

My garden is very random and a little all over the place.  All of my plants have been saved from the compost heap apart from a Hydrangea Mathilda (in homage to my daughter) and some narcissi ‘Snow Baby’ purchased from the stunning Gresgarth Hall.  Some are unsold plants from the shop, some rescued or donated by clients.  When I am in my garden I can remember where every plant came from… which nursery, which garden and the client ….. its like looking through a photo album.


I recently revisited a garden we designed over 12 months ago.. its a large garden surrounded by open fields, the main garden was designed by the lovely David Anderson years before I started design work.  But there was a small courtyard area with two very old apple trees, a throw back to the properties origins as a pig shed, this area had remained untouched at the clients request.


We maintain the garden and the client mentioned that they want a small cosy area away from the openness of the main garden to sit, have dinner and a drink or two in the evening…


The courtyard was the ideal spot … with doors leading from the kitchen.  The trees were very much past their best and suffering with canker so they came out and the small lawn was removed.  We installed a pale polished sandstone patio to brighten the area up and small beds of herbs outside the kitchen doors.


Although the courtyard was quite enclosed, it still felt a little too big to give the cocooned feeling we were looking for.  To over come this we installed cedar screens at the edge of the patio and planted heavily behind them.  The screen creates that cosy small space and the planting of predominantly foliage plants, gave the garden depth and atmosphere.


Back in my garden, the newest additions are the plants that were left outside the little shop when we had to temporarily close the doors … every time I see them they will remind me of this difficult time and I hope I remember the positives … a time when keeping people safe was the most important thing, the planet had a quiet moment to heal and I remembered to appreciate the simple things in life ...



Week 3 ..

Week 3 and every inch of my garden has been dug .. thrice … my lawn has already been mowed more than it was in the whole of last season and the kids are on home schooling holiday so I am turning my hand to some design work …


Inspired by the herb gardens at Acorn Bank Hall, clients approached us to develop an over grown and unused area of their garden into a productive area for espaliered fruit and herbs.  However, their fascination was in the layout of the garden.  Rather than the usual focus on the plants culinary uses they wanted the layout to be based around plants medicinal use, a physic garden.


The garden we have designed is in a lovely sunny spot and will have quite a formal layout …. it will have a standard bay (Laurus nobilis)  in a terracotta pot at its centre.  Bay is known to be a diuretic but may also help to kill cancer cells, reduce glucose and cholesterol in diabetics and is good for healing wounds.


The central pot will have four raised beds leading off it constructed out of sleepers. The beds will be planted with a mixture of herbs, perennials and shrubs arranged according to their medicinal function.


All herbs have some degree of anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic or anti-viral properties… Something of particular importance at a time like this …


Everyone will be increasing conscious of how strong our immune systems are and plants that can help to boost this include the beautifull Echinacea… Also many herbs that are really easy to grow such as parsley, oregano, marjoram and thyme. Thyme is also thought to be very effective in the treatment of inflammatory disorders.


Rosemary and sage are both very versatile herbs and support memory mechanisms helping with attention, alertness and concentration also preventing fatigue. 

Mint is good for the digestion and treatment of IBS. 


Grow lavender, chamomile and lemon verbena for calming effects and to make a soothing tea to aid sleep.  Sleep being another very important element to help boost the immune system.


Even the common old dandelion (just flowering now) has medicinal properties and can be used as a tea to detox the system. 

If you would like to find out more read Grow your Own Physic Garden by Elaine Perry et al … and in better times I will certainly be making a visit to Dilston Physic Garden in beautiful Corbridge and a cheeky nip to RE while I’m up there …




Week 2 ..

Due to complete neglect there are a good few days work required in my garden to get it to where it should be at this time of year …. But even with a 3 week span of home isolating ahead of me the chances of a constructive stint in the garden are highly unlikely .. The business has to be sured up to be ready to hit the floor running when we are allowed back out, not to mention 2 bouncy children to home school  … To avoid complete frustration I try and hit it for small stints, say 15 to 20 minutes, as often as I can .... All my tools are left in the garden, handy for when the opportunity arises …


Let the dog in the garden, quick chop, kids need some time out in the garden … grab the spade  … The effect looks really bitty with some areas pristine and other complete chaos but by the end of the 3 week period all should be in order…

I do a final cut back of wisterias in February (March at my house ..) removing all the wispy growth as the buds are all formed.  I’ve done a few little tweaks this week, mine is on a south facing wall and some of the flowers have started to open this week.


Another job for late Feb, early March, is to dead head and thin out hydrangeas.  It's very tempting to do this earlier but the old flower heads offer the tender new growth some protection against frost so best to leave them until the threat of frosts is past.  I also enjoy the look of spent flower heads and seed pods, particularly on a frosty morning.  Cut the dead flowers back to a good strong pair of buds and remove any old or weak growth down to the ground.


The final job in my little plot is the grasses.  I love using grasses as they bring movement and life to a garden.  They are also really easy to look after.  I think my favourite is Stipa Tennuissima but the Miscanthus are beautiful for Autumn colour.  Again the seed heads look stunning on a frosty morning.  The finer grasses I comb through and give a little chop to tidy the ends up but the miscanthus and more sturdy grasses I cut back to about 3 to 6 inches off the ground to make way for the new growth.


Very satisfying …. 

Well this is unusual ..

Nic would normally be out with her teams of gardeners, planting and maintaining your gardens for you to enjoy, but in this oddbod, stay at home time, she is instead sharing what she is doing in her own garden xx

Like the majority of the population the daily routine at the potting sheds has completely changed over night … The daily weather check has been replaced by checking for government updates, tool box talks and van preps replaced by being on hold trying to access business support and all the while the sun is shining … something I would have given my right arm for a few weeks ago but now seems to being making the situation even more frustrating.


On the other hand, what an amazing opportunity … I never get to spend time in my garden at this time of year as we are so busy prepare everyone elses for summer so here’s what I am doing …

Firstly just taking a minute to enjoy the plants that are looking stunning right now.  


The hellebores are just going past their best but have being nodding their little heads since Feb.  Earlier in the year, when the flowers start to develop I cut back all the leaves so the flowers can shine.  Once the flowers have finished I’ll cut them back to make room for the new leaves.  Hellebores can also look stunning in a vase.


The pulmonaria (this one is Blue Ensign) have come back from nothing with soft velvety leaves and very vibrant blue flowers.I have planted them round the bottom of my hydrangeas.  One of my absolute favourites for a shady spot, Brunnera Jack Frost is thriving under the conifer hedge (inherited hedge … ) which is one of the most hostile environments.


The magnolia stellata which is in completely the wrong place .. Is in full flower, having shed its furry little bud cases all over the ground … My son thought they were hairy caterpillars.


And much to my delight, with a little encouragement, the wild forget me nots have self seed everywhere …  Not sure the neighbours share my enthusiasm … Once they start to die back I will shake the plants to distribute the seeds for next year.

Home Piglet ..

Where are we going Pooh? Home Piglet. We are going home. Because that is the best place to be right now.


Although our beautiful shop is closed for now, we are checking our emails so if you need a little flowery chatter, we are here.
With love xx

Wonky times …

Its business as usual at The Potting Sheds until we are told otherwise.


In these wonky uncertain times, all sensible precautions and the utmost care are of course being taken in both the gardens and in our little shop.


We can deliver flowers and plants to you locally if you prefer, and our online shop is full of beautiful things, wrapped and ready to be posted out. Click here .. shop.thepottingsheds.com


Also …. If you have a little unexpected time on your hands, and have Netflix or Amazon prime, my current favourites films have included ..


The Professer and the Madman ( I was baffled why I didn’t know of this … it’s a true story)

My taste in films isn’t known to be popular, infact, when I drag a friend to the cinema there are sometimes, quite often actually, not all that many other viewers, but I think most people would love these two suggestions. I do hope so.


Please ask any of us if you need any help at all xx kindness matters always xx

Take care.

Love from all at The Potting Sheds xx

Boys and bouquets

In all honesty ..


I really wasn’t sure if anybody would come to our boys night … it’s a brave thing I think, to attend something like this, when you know nobody, and are maybe slightly out of your comfort zone … with strangers.





But they did, and we couldn’t have asked for lovelier guests … so thank you.





You were amazing, such fun and very talented!! …. and hungry …. which made me laugh. Fortunately, I am used to hungry lads so we had plenty to eat.





It was fascinating, how with the same -ish ingredients, you all made something completely unique, and completely beautiful, and then had to dismantle your cars … to get your flowers home.





It was funny this morning, to receive very confident messages from a couple of our guests, offering flower-y assistance if we ever needed a hand with weddings etc!!! Ha



So, thank you all for coming. I hope you loved it just as much as we did.




Ps … who needs Sarah Raven, when there is you xx