Well this is unusual ..

Nic would normally be out with her teams of gardeners, planting and maintaining your gardens for you to enjoy, but in this oddbod, stay at home time, she is instead sharing what she is doing in her own garden xx

Like the majority of the population the daily routine at the potting sheds has completely changed over night … The daily weather check has been replaced by checking for government updates, tool box talks and van preps replaced by being on hold trying to access business support and all the while the sun is shining … something I would have given my right arm for a few weeks ago but now seems to being making the situation even more frustrating.


On the other hand, what an amazing opportunity … I never get to spend time in my garden at this time of year as we are so busy prepare everyone elses for summer so here’s what I am doing …

Firstly just taking a minute to enjoy the plants that are looking stunning right now.  


The hellebores are just going past their best but have being nodding their little heads since Feb.  Earlier in the year, when the flowers start to develop I cut back all the leaves so the flowers can shine.  Once the flowers have finished I’ll cut them back to make room for the new leaves.  Hellebores can also look stunning in a vase.


The pulmonaria (this one is Blue Ensign) have come back from nothing with soft velvety leaves and very vibrant blue flowers.I have planted them round the bottom of my hydrangeas.  One of my absolute favourites for a shady spot, Brunnera Jack Frost is thriving under the conifer hedge (inherited hedge … ) which is one of the most hostile environments.


The magnolia stellata which is in completely the wrong place .. Is in full flower, having shed its furry little bud cases all over the ground … My son thought they were hairy caterpillars.


And much to my delight, with a little encouragement, the wild forget me nots have self seed everywhere …  Not sure the neighbours share my enthusiasm … Once they start to die back I will shake the plants to distribute the seeds for next year.