19th March ..

Is Mothering Sunday this year for those who aren’t sure.

And we will have flowers for all .. from a beautifully simple primrose or a jam jar of flowers, to the grandest of bouquets.

Our order book is open.

Just email shop@thepottingsheds.com, Instagram message or you can of course just actually telephone me on 01704 823313.

Of course it isn’t a day just for mums, I think it’s for anyone who shows you care and kindness.

And if flowers aren’t your thing, then don’t worry, we have books, candles, plants and so many other delights.

Tap here to take a look at our online shop or, we are open every day except Mondays ……. it would be lovely to see you in real life.

Thank you to all who visited this week, it really has been such fun, and to the lovely lady who burst into the shop laden with baskets, zinc trays and colour schemes declaring “I was trying to be one of those people on Instagram” … you made my week.

We are always very aware when talking about this particular day, that some people find it a struggle. Please know that you are in our thoughts.

With love xx